Terms of use

1. Purpose

1.1 Panorama Agency makes Panorama Academy available, hereinafter called the Platform. The Platform allows members to develop their careers in collaboration with others.

2. Membership

2.1 Your membership of the Platform continues until it is canceled.
2.2 You must be 18 years of age or be of legal age in the province, territory or country where you live to become a member of the Platform. Minors may only use the Platform under the supervision of an adult.
2.3 Your membership requires acceptance of these Terms of Use and further requires that you have provided us with a current, valid and recognized payment method.

3. Payment

3.1 Panorama Agency bills you for the membership fee for the Platform and other fees accrued in connection with your use of the Service, for example taxes and any transaction fees, on the first date every 6 months via your payment method. In some cases, the billing date may change, for example if a payment has not been made.
3.2 If a payment cannot be made due to card expiry, insufficient funds or any other reason, and you do not edit your payment method or unsubscribe, Panorama Agency may suspend your access to the Platform until Panorama Agency has a valid payment method. When you update your payment method, you grant Panorama Agency permission to continue billing the updated payment method and you are liable for unpaid amounts. This may cause your billing dates to change.
3.3 For some methods of payment, the payment method issuer may charge you a foreign transaction fee or other payment processing fee. Local taxes may vary depending on the payment method used. Contact the payment method issuer for further information.

4. Cancellation

4.1 You may unsubscribe from the Platform at any time. If you unsubscribe, your account will be closed automatically at the end of the current billing period. Cancellations must be made via e-mail to mail@panoramacademy.com.
4.2 Panorama Academy can unsubscribe your membership at any time without notice.

5. Marketing

5.1 With your acceptance of these Terms of Use, you agree that Panorama Academy may notify you by e-mail, mail and SMS of any matter that Panorama Academy considers relevant. You can always unsubscribe from future e-mails.

6. Insurance

6.1 By accepting these Terms of Use, you undertake to have signed all insurance policies that are statutory in Denmark.

7. Disclaimer

7.1 Panorama Academy continuously selects promising talents using the Platform. Panorama Academy does not guarantee that use of the Platform will lead to any kind of employment.
7.2 You agree that the activities of the Platform are carried out at your own risk. You therefore assume the full risk of your participation in the activities. You bear full responsibility for any property or personal injuries that you incur or cause when using the Platform and you also disclaim any compensation claims against Panorama Academy and its employees, instructors and so forth. You also indemnify Panorama Academy from any liability that your participation in any of the activities may cause.

8. Decency

8.1 You may not damage Panorama Academy’s reputation or impair Panorama Academy’s cooperation with Panorama Agency’s business partners.
8.2 The obligation in section 8.1 implies, among other things, that you commit to:
– not being under the influence of drugs when using the Platform
– not behaving inappropriately sexually
– not bullying other users of the Platform
– acting respectfully and appropriately to other users of the Platform
8.3 Your breach of the obligation in paragraph 8.1 entitles Panorama Academy to terminate your membership of the Platform and receive remuneration in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3.

9. Changes

9.1 Panorama Academy may change these Terms of Use. Panorama Academy notifies you at least 30 days before the new Terms of Use apply to you.
10. Confidentiality
10.1 You and Panorama Academy have full confidentiality with respect to the contents of this agreement.

11. Privacy

11.1 Panorama Academy guarantees compliance with applicable data protection laws. Panorama Academy’s processing of personal data is regulated in a separate and explicit consent statement.

12. Force majeure

12.1 If Panorama Academy is unable to carry out the Platform’s activities due to circumstances beyond Panorama Academy’s control, Panorama Academy’s obligations shall be deemed void for the period of force majeure.

13. Disputes and venue

13.1 This agreement is governed by Danish law.
13.2 Disputes arising from these Terms of Use must be solved by negotiation amicably between you and Panorama Academy. If the dispute cannot be resolved by negotiation, the dispute must be settled by the District Court of Copenhagen.

14. Cookies

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Panorama is where passion meets production


Experience the short films of Martin Strange Hansen, an Oscar-winning director, Lene Seested, the executive producer, and  the extraordinary talents of the Class of 2021 students at Panorama. At Panorama, it goes beyond acting; it’s a collaborative journey led by producer Per, writer Anna, cinematographer Solveig, costume designer Chantal, and more.