

First Year - FOUNDATION - Build a Foundation

The first year is created for discovery and exploration – enabling you to enhance your creative center. We will be focusing on acting technique, training technique, stunt & stage fight, dance & movement, and how to set your goals. Also, you will be participating in workshops within mask work, genre & character development, improvisation & comedy and an introduction to Personal Ledership. As a part of this year, you will be introduced to the Ivana Chubbuck Technique by certified teachers, working on enhancing vocal and physical skills as well as developing confidence in camera training and in your private life.
Price for First Year: DKK 59.750,-
Pay either DKK 5.975,- in 10 monthly intallments
Or DKK 29.875,- each semester

Second Year - EXPANSION - Expand your knowledge

The second year will add professional preparation in real life situations. Here you will benefit from acting training, selftape workshop, classes in personal leadership, voice & dialect, insights into business affairs & know your business. During the year, you will be creating and acting in a web-series of short films ‘From idea to finished Film’ together with Strange-Hansen. You will also become part of a workshop in creating Selftapes & Networking, learn how to navigate in the professional film & TV industry as an working actor, and how to do a ‘Wauw-meeting’ in the room or online with agents, casting directors, directors, and producers.
Price for Second Year: DKK 59.750,-
Pay either DKK 5.975,- in 10 monthly intallments
or DKK 29.875,- each semester

Third Year - CREATION - Be the creator of your life

In year three we make it real by moving from group work to individual work. You will be creating your own short film. A workshop and production are put into a working professional context, and you will be introduced to a leading professional in the industry. During the year you will be creating and producing you own short film ‘In Depth from idea to finished Production’. You will be directing & acting, or scriptwriting & acting. You will be working with your own network of professionals or upcoming ‘above the line’ industry people to shoot, edit, etc. the film. The goal is for the film to be submitted to apply at other institutions such as Filmværkstedet, Super 16 + 8 and The Danish National Film School, etc., and a selection of the films will be submitted to festivals worldwide.
Price for Third Year: DKK 39.000,-
Pay either DKK 3.900,- in 10 monthly installments
or DKK 19.500,- each semester

All prices are excl. fee and the payment is non refundable.

Students commit to 1 year at a time. PA must obtain confirmation from the student of a new commitment in the 2nd year of the education at the latest in May of the following year. However, the termination provisions of the Consumer Contracts Act always apply. At the start of the education, the extent to which payments must be made each month or each quarter is agreed. 

If 40% of a team terminates their participation ahead of time, PA has the right to cease training the team with one month’s notice. In that case, PA issues a certificate documenting the education the students have received up to the end.

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Panorama is where passion meets production


Experience the short films of Martin Strange Hansen, an Oscar-winning director, Lene Seested, the executive producer, and  the extraordinary talents of the Class of 2021 students at Panorama. At Panorama, it goes beyond acting; it’s a collaborative journey led by producer Per, writer Anna, cinematographer Solveig, costume designer Chantal, and more.